The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the 5th day of September 2024 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00pm.
Present: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei, C. Robert Gilner, C. Mona Wells, C. Morgan Stephens, and C. Eric Wells
Absent: None
Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells and Treasurer Jessica Alvey
Public in Attendance: Margaret Re, Ashton & Caib Brian, Kaitlyn Wilkins, Sara Bradbury, Dane Anspach, Jan Hunt, Sherry Ekker, Slate Banner, Dan Thatcher, Cathy Rosenbaum, Kelly Florez, Susan Wells, Geralyn Clemmens, Sue Fivecoat, Connie Noyes, Erne Krabbe, Doug & Katie Roberts, Charity & Jared Jackson, Donald Guy Lusko, Jack & Cindy Wilkins, Bill & Jennifer Wells, Marina Pei, Duke Alvey, Wayne County Commissioners Roger Brian and Kerry Cook.
Meeting to Order: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei
Pledge: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei
Prayer: C. Robert Gilner
Roll Call: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei
Motion to approve minutes from August council meeting: C. Eric Wells; Second C. Robert Gilner Aye: All in attendance.
Report of Officers:
Council member Mona Wells:
Founder’s Day has been scheduled for October 10-12th. The event will be sponsored by Stan’s Silver Eagle Team and it will be a Hanksville Cemetery clean-up. Dinner will be served at the end of each project. She has scheduled a free-dump day for October 19th and Andy Alexander has offered his services to haul any big items to the dump. C. Mona Wells is discussing forming concrete tables to build at the cemetery.
Council member Morgan Stephens:
Met with clerk, Lisa Wells, to discuss Affordable Housing and the needed capital improvements or small repairs that might be needed. She would like to replace the roof on building #1 with a metal roof and make repairs to the laundry room; including checking on the wiring. Her recommendation to the council is to increase the rent on each apartment by $50. Notice will be sent to all tenants of the increase that won’t begin until January 2025. Council agreed with the $50 increase.
Council member Eric Wells:
He has continued to meet with Ron Pierce from Rural Water Association of Utah regarding funding for equipment for the water or sewer. Mr. Pierce will be sending an application for the council to approve from a funding source.
Council member Robert Gilner:
Nothing to report.
Mayor Jeffren T. Pei:
For the gun range the council was supposed to put out bids for the pavilion to start work on that in June 2025. The mayor said either we apply now for 30% of the total grant money or do the work and then turn in receipts to be reimbursed. Mayor will get the bids ready for the pavilion and the dirt work that will be done. The rest of the project will be signage, lighting and fencing. That will be the town's portion of the service in-kind work.The mayor would like to have volunteers, it could be individuals or groups of people
Clerk Lisa Wells:
Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)
Motion to approve bills for payment: C. Eric Wells; Second C. Morgan Stephens. Aye: All in attendance.
New emails have been set up for each council member.
Town audit with Kimball & Roberts will be September 24th
Pre-Construction Meeting for the Sewer project with Engineers and contractors will be September 20th at 10am.
Treasurer Jessica Alvey:
Reminder to the council members that the Affordable Housing project is not to make money but to use the rent to keep the buildings in good repair so with this increase of rent more money should be spent on upkeep of the town housing.
Planning Commission:
They had a very productive work meeting on 9/4/2024 with all council members present where the planning commission was able to present all the research that went intoraftd each ordinance. The next meeting will be September 11th and they hope to be able to schedule a town hearing after a 30 day public comment period where the public is encouraged to send in concerns by email to the commission.
Public Hearing regarding purchase of 0.447 acre tract of land from Utah Department of Transportation:
Ashton Brian - Her concern is if Hanksville purchased that property will access remain to the portion of adjoining property that is currently being leased.
Donald Guy Lusko - He would like to lend a voice of affirmation for the town to purchase that property instead of private industry. He supports the ideas of an information kiosk or activities such as a farmer’s market and feels this direction will better serve the people of the town of Hanksville.
Bill Wells - He thought he owned a portion of that property because he has been paying taxes on it for many years. He learned from Wayne County through the purchase agreement on file that he didn’t actually own the property. His recommendations: Hanksville residents have always been a God-fearing, patriotic people. This town was founded on these types of principles and he fully supports the town with the purchase of this property to house a veteran’s memorial and also a history of our town. The possibility of a farmer’s market is a great idea. He would urge the council to resist any tendency to celebrate the history of Butch Cassidy, he is a known outlaw and doesn’t think that is an event to celebrate. He would encourage patriotism on all town documents. In another matter, Mr. Bill Wells would like the Bull Wash a protected zone and get funding to keep the wash maintained and cleaned of trees and debris; for the public safety of the town, a catch basin upstream of Bull Creek needs to be created to mitigate future flooding. This project has been with NRCS and the council is in the process of making this happen with Bull Creek.
Jennifer Wells - Also spoke in favor of this property purchase with these ideas that have been discussed.
Slate Banner - Concurs with Bill Wells sentiments of celebrating the patriotism of this community on the property.
Commissioner Roger Brian - He has recently been approached by the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity asking Wayne County for a letter of support on this sale. He is happy that he has been in attendance tonight to listen to the community on the ideas for the future of this property if Hanksville acquires it. He is in support of the town and the ideas suggested in the use of this property.
There are grants or initiatives for outdoor recreation that would help with trail kiosks and other ideas. The mayor has been searching for funding sources to make upgrades to the property and make it a community area that celebrates our local heritage and values of God, family and country. There was discussion of public restrooms or picnic tables with shade on this property.
Dane Anspach - Who has access to buying this property? The council explained that any surplus property being sold at public auction - the municipal or county entity with planning and zoning jurisdiction over the land to be sold has the first opportunity to purchase the property; if the town chooses not to purchase it then the property will go to public auction. What is the requirement to be a primary resident of Hanksville? It was explained to him that you must reside at the property in Hanksville over 6 months, other proof or resident would be a driver’s license with a Hankville address.
Sue Fivecoat - She would like to speak in support of the town purchasing this property. The town has the responsibility to govern this community and the property purchase is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will affect the town residents for generations. This is a great opportunity to make a showcase of this town for the tourists and citizens.
Cindy Wilkins - Is there a problem with putting a business on this property? Could the town use other town owned property to put up kiosks or information for the tourists?
Christopher Hagedorn - Submitted his public comments by email and asked that they be read (See Attached comments) Clerk, Lisa Wells read his comments.
Donald Guy Lusko - He would like to make sure that access to the adjoining farmland that has been used for over 30 years be prescriptive in this purchase such as an easement or right of way.
Bill Wells - Asked the purchase price of the property - Council advised that it is the appraised value which is $40,000. He thought this is a fair price for the property.
Morgan Stephens - Would like to speak at this time as a citizen and property owner adjacent to this property of UDOT, not as a council member. She is in support of all things agricultural and is in support of the rural lifestyle of Hanksville.
Ashton Brian - We want Get in the Wild to thrive and prosper in this community, this purchase by the town would not be a reflection on him and his ideas, we want him here and there is other property for his business.
Council member Eric Wells - This property could be used for businesses like Get in the Wild - and they would deal directly with the town of Hanksville, if the town owned it. Such as farmer’s market, swap meet or other businesses could share the space on the property - in addition to the patriotic portion or information center.
Council member Mona Wells - The majority of this community is honest and fair, this council is for the community, we are not against the outsiders.
Mayor Jeffrent T. Pei - Last August 2023, the clerk and I met with Mike Mower, he serves as Senior Advisor of Community Outreach and Intergovernmental Affairs for Utah. Mr. Mower mentioned this UDOT property possibly being sold and this is when the mayor became seriously interested in this property and started the conversation of the possibilities and benefits for Hanksville. He has considered the Rural Fast Track Grant for funding. The community comes first and what is best and he thanked the community for coming out and speaking about their thoughts on the purchase of this UDOT property.
Council member Robert Gilner - He recused himself from commenting on the purchase of this property.
Tabled Business:
New Business:
Susan Wells - To all friends, neighbors and family of this community, her heart hurts at the words that have been spoken in public meetings and on social media. Hanksville Strong is who we are, we proved that during the flood 3 years ago and the one before that. We want to help our neighbors, if we have difficulty with a neighbor, we can try to solve it without an ordinance but with friendly communication. That is how we are, we are Hanksville Strong.
Wayne County Commissioner Roger Brian - The commissioners want what's best for the whole of the people in Wayne County. We want to make sure everyone is taken care of by the emergency medical services (EMS) and the EMS services will continue in Hanksville. Thank you to all who serve, in discussion at a recent commissioner meeting, the Hanksville Interlocal agreement for EMS services was discussed. He wants to be equal with every town but Hankville submitted a few changes to their agreement, he is requesting that Hanksville sign the same agreement as all the other towns in Wayne County. The portion that Hanksville changed was in regards to HB236 tax that could help offset the EMS expenses, the county is working on getting this tax on the ballot for November but he doesn’t know if this will happen and it might be 2 or 3 years before it gets passed so that needs to be removed from the agreement and the other item that was changed is the $180/run that would be charged to Hanksville. He said the amount per run is a variable rate so they don’t want to be held to a fixed amount. They commissioners are okay to change the term to shorter. Treasurer Jessica Alvey’s biggest concern is without putting the contingency in the agreement if other funding sources are found, then each town in the county will continue to pay their portion and the tax would be used for other budget items instead of what it was intended for. Commissioner Brian said the tax could be used for EMS, Fire of sanitation. After some discussion with the commissioners, the council agreed to send in the original interlocal agreement with the only change being made was to the terms of the agreement. The council asked the commissioners if they agreed with the lease agreement for the Hanksville EMS building and they saw no problems with that lease agreement. The lease with the Wayne County Fire District was discussed - in that lease agreement for the Hanksville EMS building it states that the Fire District will pay “100% of the utilities and maintenance”. The clerk discussed with the commissioners that currently, the utilities being paid for by Wayne County are split 50/50 by Wayne County EMS and Wayne County Fire District as per Wayne County clerk, Felicia Snow. The council asked the commissioners how the progress of memorandum of understanding, or (MOU) with surrounding counties that Hanksville EMS is frequently dispatched to serve. Emery and Garfield counties both use Hanksville EMS to cover portions of their county; this is an avenue for funding. Tiffany Martineau, Wayne County EMS director has been assigned this but nothing has been done yet. C. Eric Wells talked with the commissioners about this whole misunderstanding with the county and Hanksville regarding EMS services and Hanksville is trying to move on, but after being promised a new ambulance by 3 previous EMS directors and also commissioners, and then seeing that new ambulance in the Wayne County Fair parade, the question is why didn’t Hanksville get the ambulance that was promised. It has been difficult to communicate with Tiffany regarding this.
Eric Wells - on the agenda as the maintenance employee - requests that the council consider paying his private insurance premium. For the family plan of insurance that he is currently on he pays $195.56/month which includes dental. The council made an administrative decision to add a stipend to his paycheck to cover the cost of his insurance premium.
Council discussed the organization of the planning commission and the process to be appointed to the commission. They decided that going forward all citizens wishing to serve on the planning commission must complete an application. They would like to amend the current ordinance 2001-01 to reflect 5 or more members can be on the commission and to reflect a change of term to 3 years. The council reviewed the current proposed planning commission organization in the ordinances that have been reviewed by the planning commission and they are going to vote to amend Ord 2001-01.
Motion to amend Planning Commission Ordinance #2002-1 to reflect additional members and terms in office. This amendment will be #2024-01: C. Morgan Stephens; Second Robert Gilner Aye: All in attendance.
Resolution 24-03 regarding the purchase of the UDOT property was read to the council and the public. Council agreed that the high majority of the public opinion agreed that this purchase was in the best interest of Hanksville town. (Resolution attached to the minutes)
Motion to approve Resolution 24-03 for purchase of property located at junction of SR-25 and SR-95 in Hanksville: C. Eric Wells; Second Mona Wells.
Roll Call Vote: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei - Aye
Council member Eric Wells - Aye
Council member Mona Wells - Aye
Council member Morgan Stephens - Abstain from voting
Council member Robert Gilner - Abstain from voting
Public Comment:
Motion to adjourn: C. Mona Wells; Second C. Morgan Stephens. Aye: All in attendance. Meeting adjourned at 8:04pm