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March 3rd, 2022 - Hanksville Town Council


The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the 3rd day of March, 2022 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m.

Present: Mayor Jeffren Pei, C. Morgan Stephens, C. Tanesha Conder and C. Mona Wells

Absent: C. Eric Wells (Attending RWAU conference in St. George)

Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells and Treasurer Jessica Alvey

Public in Attendance: Sara Bradbury, Katy & Doug Roberts, Curtis & Chylene Whipple, Devin Rios, Jan Hunt, Kelly Taylor, Wendy Pattrick, Stuart & Heidi Dobson, Joey Martinez, and Tyson Hunt

Meeting to Order: Mayor Jeffren Pei

Pledge: Mayor Jeffren Pei

Prayer: Jessica Alvey

Roll Call: Mayor Jeffren Pei

Swearing in of new officers by Mayor Jeffren T. Pei – New Council members: Morgan Stephens & Tanesha Conder.

Motion to approve minutes of previous council meeting: C. Mona Wells; Second C. Morgan Stephens Aye: All in attendance

Report of officers:

Council member Mona Wells:

Nothing to report

Council member Eric Wells:


Mayor Jeffren Pei:

Assignments made to council members to be in charge of:

· Mayor Pei – Roads

· Councilmember Eric Wells – Sewer & Water

· Councilmember Mona Wells – Gun Range & Cemetery

· Councilmember Tanesha Conder – Parks

· Councilmember Morgan Stephens - Buildings

Yearly town activity assignments for council members:

Ø Easter Egg Hunt – C. Morgan Stephens

Ø 4th of July – C. Tanesha Conder

Ø Founders Day Celebration – C. Mona Wells

Ø Christmas Tree Lighting – C. Eric Wells

Mayor assigned C. Mona Wells to meet with Sue Fivecoat – BLM at the gun range to discuss the concerns that the BLM has with the trash and general up keep of the property. Mayor mentions grants the are available to help upgrade it and he would also like to pursue owning the property instead of leasing it from the BLM.

Treasurer Jessica Alvey:

Reminded council members to plan for future projects in FY 2023 to be in the budget

Clerk Lisa Wells:

· Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)

· Motion to approve bills for payment C. Mona Wells; Second C. Morgan Stephens Aye: All in attendance.

· Megan Pearson & Josh Hartman have submitted an application for housing for apartment #3 because Ryan Atack has given notice that he will be moving out. Anthony Jones who is already a tenant at the housing has expressed a desire to move from apt #6 to anything that opens that has more room as he has children that live with him off and on. The council agreed to allow Anthony to move to apt #3 when is becomes available and then accept the application of Megan & Josh to move into #6 as they are just 2 people.

· The Entrada Institute in Torrey has called the clerk’s office and are lining up a few ideas for Hanksville. They would like to donate new trees to be planted at the park. They would also like to offer a music program and a possibility of a 2-panel mural posted somewhere in town.

· Informed council of the annual meeting with Six County Association of Governments on Tuesday, March 15th at 9am. All the council is invited.

Tabled items: NONE

New Business and Public Comment:

Kelly Taylor – Has purchased 94-acre farm next to Highway 24 North and has plans to develop to commercial areas of 10ac each only the highway. At the center of the property is a 55-acre operating farm unit which he is going to keep for years into the future because greenery and water is what makes anybody interested in anything and is the lifeblood of the community. He has no intention of going from the farming aspect of Hanksville. His first phase is 14 lots of the 28 lots on the far west side of his property. He has over 150 contacts from all over the area that want a nice piece of ground with irrigation & culinary water, sewer, and power. These people want to hub here and go out into recreation areas around Hanksville. So, his first proposal to the town is 14 lots that would be a combination of them owning the lot, he will offer pressurized irrigation to each lot and it would include an RV pad and a building lot potential so he is proposing ½-acre parcels. He will have very strict covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&R) homeowners association. No junk cars, nothing piles up, just clean and neat. The council will consider Mr. Taylor’s proposal as to whether the town can provide water to his development but his first hurdle is the ground is zoned agriculture so he will have to approach the planning and zoning and request a zoning change to his property.

Morgan Stephens – She is presenting as a citizen of the town- She would like her business license approved for Mowgli’s Coffee Shop and Soda Shop She is bringing in a small building that she will put on her property on Star Springs Lane. Her property is in green belt and zoned agriculture so she understands that she will have to take this to planning and zoning and request a zoning change to a portion of her property. She is trying to determine how she can put a commercial building on her agriculturally zoned property. Her shop will be situated within walking distance of both restaurants and is her goal to have traffic pull in off of Hwy 24 onto Star Springs Lane and then back onto Hwy 24 from Star Springs Lane further down the street. Will she need to subdivide her property and get an acre lot zoned commercial so she can put her building on it and operate her business? The council will table approving the business license request until the land use issue is settled.

Curtis Whipple – representing Triple R Management – Currently Wayne County is requiring either a water well permit for every lot or a shared well, or if the subdivision is close to a town entity, then a commitment from the town giving access to the municipal water. Triple R understands that it would be their expense to get the water from the town main line and pipe it in to each lot and put in all the fire protection that is required by the County Zoning ordinance. So Triple R is requesting a letter of commitment from the town to access the town water system to provide water to the 1st phase of their proposed subdivision of 20 lots. This 1st phase would be lots along the Henry Mountain access road going to Lonesome Beaver. Mayor would like time to consider if the town has sufficient water supply to cover the town needs and also this request. The issue was tabled.

Tyson Hunt - He works for Harness Power and would like access to the electric bills for the past year so he can submit a proposal to the town of Hanksville regarding a solar system proposal to power our maintenance shed, affordable housing units and the community center. The council agreed to provide this information so he can make a proposal. His company offers electric vehicle chargers too.

Chylene Whipple would like the cross walk painted and the flashing lights coordinated with school time. Also, highway 24 continues to be a danger for school children on their way to and from school.

MOTION TO ADJOURN: C. Morgan Stephens; Second Tanesha Conder Aye: All in attendance Adjourned 8:30pm

Town Office:
PO Box 127
30 South Hwy. 95
Hanksville, UT 84734


Tue - Thur 10am - 2pm

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