The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the 7th day of April, 2022 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Jeffren Pei, C. Morgan Stephens, C. Tanesha Conder, and C. Eric Wells
Absent: Treasurer Jessica Alvey and C. Mona Wells
Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells
Public in Attendance: Curtis & Chylene Whipple, Jeanette Pei, Jaquei Pei, Devin Rios, Marina Pei, Dennis Lierd, Adam Cahoon, and Dan Cahoon
Meeting to Order: Mayor Jeffren Pei
Pledge: Mayor Jeffren Pei
Prayer: C. Morgan Stephens
Roll Call: Mayor Jeffren Pei
Motion to approve minutes of previous council meeting: C. Morgan Stephens; Second C. Tanesha Conder Aye: All in attendance
Report of officers:
Council member Tanesha Conder:
Nothing to report – There was discussion regarding the 4th of July celebration and it was decided that the gymkhana will be held on July 2nd with the rest of the festivities on July 4th. C. Conder has some ideas and would like to purchase another blow-up slide.
Council member Morgan Stephens:
The Easter Egg Hunt will be on April 16th at 10am and prior to the hunt there will be a PTA fundraiser breakfast at the firehouse from 8:30 to 9:40am. C. Stephens will get with Eric this week to check buildings.
Council member Eric Wells:
The SCADA is having internet issues that Eric is working through.
Council member Mona Wells:
ABSENT – The mayor found a grant through Division of Wildlife Resources that could be an option for the gun range. He will get the application to C. Mona Wells. There are also other outdoors grants that are promoting OHV that could be used.
Mayor Jeffren Pei:
The mayor met with Nielson Construction and Ensign Engineering and there was a possibility that Nielson would begin crack seal this week but they are holding off until later. The mayor worked with the engineers and the construction company and made some changes in the roads project that are making it possible for 80 South Road to have an overlay. Nielson is doing a UDOT road project on Highway 24 and will use the same material, which is a high-quality material and they will use this on 80 South.
Treasurer Jessica Alvey:
Clerk Lisa Wells:
· Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)
· Motion to approve bills for payment C. Eric Wells; Second C. Morgan Stephens Aye: All in attendance.
· Budget worksheet was discussed and how to prepare for upcoming budget review for FY 2023.
· Luke Wells would like to pitch his ideas to upgrade the town’s website at the next council meeting.
Planning Commission: Chylene Whipple educated the council on the discrepancy in the land use designations from the County ordinance of 1999 and the current 2011 County land use ordinance and also what Hanksville is using for land use designation. The council needs to be prepared on land use and how that is designated in the town of Hanksville. Clerk will email to the council the information Mrs. Whipple has gathered.
Tabled Business: NONE
New Business and Public Comment:
Adam and Dan Cahoon – new owners of the Hanksville Inn property. Their intention is to raze the current motel and build 20 luxury cabins on the site; they will begin demolition immediately. They have applied for a business license.
Motion to approve a business license for Muddy Creek Mining Company: C. Eric Wells; Second C. Tanesha Conder Aye: All in attendance
Jeanette Pei – Years ago businesses used to donate to help pay for the fireworks. There was discussion with the council and the public about gathering donations to help this year since the price of fireworks has gone up. Dennis Lierd mentioned that even though he doesn’t live here full time, he spends most holidays here and others do as well, and would be willing to donate. Putting up donation jars for fireworks was considered.
Also, a few amenities at the park were discussed, like shade and maybe portable toilets when there is a big function at the park.
MOTION TO ADJOURN: C. Eric Wells; Second C. Morgan Stephens Aye: All in attendance Adjourned 7pm