The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the 4TH day of May, 2023 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Jeffren Pei, C. Morgan Roberts, C. Mona Wells, C. Tanesha Conder and C. Eric Wells
Absent: None
Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells and Treasurer Jessica Alvey
Public in Attendance: Katie Roberts
Meeting to Order: Council member Mona Wells
Pledge: Council member Mona Wells
Prayer: Council member Mona Wells
Roll Call: Council member Mona Wells
Motion to approve minutes of previous council meeting: C. Morgan Roberts; Second C. Tanesha Conder Aye: All in attendance
Council member Mona Wells:
Nothing to report
Council member Tanesha Conder:
There is a need for playground equipment at the town housing to give the kids that live there something to do. Tree Utah will be here on Tuesday, May 16th at 3pm to plant trees. C. Conder would like help from C. Eric Wells for how many trees and where to plant them.
Council member Morgan Roberts:
Met with maintenance and discussed building needs: Gutter and handrail, working on AC, hire out to fix the gutters, clinic steps need to hire that out, awning at the back of maintenance, pressure washer (is at a repair shop now getting fixed), the lights were fixed at the firehouse.
Grant is needed to build bathrooms at the Old Church.
4th of July committee has outlined the events:
Saturday, July 1st – Gymkhana
Sunday, July 2nd – Pot Luck Dinner
Monday, July 3rd – movie at the park
Tuesday, July 4th – parade, horseshoes, Bingo lunch by D.U.P., Dance and Fireworks
Council advised clerk to allow Tyson Hunt and Marina Pei 30 additional days to pay rent; and don’t accept payment unless they pay at least 50%.
Council member Eric Wells:
Nothing to report
Mayor Jeffren Pei:
The bridge at Bull Creek crossing by the post office is complete and passed the inspection by UDOT. UDOT has clean some of Bull Creek starting at the river and working south toward Highway 24 but won’t be able to finish. Mayor would like the maintenance department to finish cleaning out Bull Creek from where UDOT leaves off to the bridge crossing on Highway 24.
Wayne Special Service District is an outlet for grant money that the town has not used for a while. The mayor would like to apply for this funding for street lights along Highway 24 and he would like to getting funding for continued sidewalk.
Still waiting on approval if Hanksville will get money for the Bull Creek crossing farther south by Ernie Robinson’s house.
Mayor Pei presented an honorary key to the city at the NASCAR Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America pit stop here in Hanksville at the Hollow Mountain today, May 4th. Red Desert provided lunch and the motorcycle group was welcomed graciously to Hanksville by the mayor and all the community members. The mayor would like to promote tourism to a different niche of people like this motorcycle group.
Treasurer Jessica Alvey: budget discussion and a budget work meeting was set for May 18th to finalize the budget prior to a public hearing for the budget in June.
Clerk Lisa Wells:
Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)
Motion to approve bills for payment C. Mona Wells; Second C. Morgan Roberts Aye: All in attendance.
Upcoming meetings:
Six County Mayor and Commissioners meeting May 8th at 6pm – Zoom link
Six County Regional Growth Summit May 23rd at 5pm in Richfield
Planning Commission: They are working on the section regarding Animals At Large and with a recent dog attack that happened the commission had heard that maybe the council was going to have Lee Cartmell catch loose dogs and does he have the capability to quarantine animals? What is the process – holding the animal and making sure it doesn’t have rabis, then the animal owner pays the fine or fee charge, the daily keep charge and then the dog would be destroyed? Currently Katie’s opinion is that the ordinance is pretty “wild west” – meaning just shoot the dog. She would like to discuss with the council to take that out of the citizen’s hands and maybe an incentive for the dog owner would be an increase in fee and the fines associated with it. Needs further discussion with the council and planning commission.
Airbnb existing inventory – can the town raise municipal property tax? Lot size – 1/4ac vs ½ ac is still a discussion.
Tabled Business: NONE
New Business and Public Comment:
MOTION TO ADJOURN: C. Eric Wells; Second C. Morgan Roberts Aye: All in attendance Adjourned 7:50pm