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Town Clerk

May 2 2024 - Hanksville Town Council

The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the 2nd day of May 2024 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m. 

Present:  Mayor Jeffren T. Pei, C. Morgan Roberts and C. Robert Gilner

Absent:  Treasurer Jessica Alvey, C. Mona Wells and C. Eric Wells

Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells 

Public in Attendance: Kathryn Roberts, Chylene Whipple, Sara Bradbury, and Andy Alexander

Meeting to Order: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Pledge: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Prayer: C. Morgan Roberts

Roll Call:  Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Motion to approve minutes of April council meeting: C. Morgan Roberts; Second C. Robert Gilner.  Aye: All in attendance.

Council member Mona Wells:


Council member Morgan Roberts: 

Nothing to report.

 Council member Eric Wells: 


Council member Robert Gilner:

 Nothing to report. Checking to see if there was any news on the UDOT property, clerk advised that there has been no communication from anyone at UDOT.  He outlined his ideas if the town purchases this property; turn it into a trailhead/park that could include a kiosk.

Mayor Jeffren Pei:

An official identifier is required for his H.E.R.T team, he will need 8 badges and each member will need to file an application to serve on the team.  These identifiers will tie the H.E.R.T directly to Hanksville Town. The mayor will be spending budgeted money for ammunition for training purposes.  There will be a training in August for Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) - Solo Officer Rapid Deployment (SORD) held here in Hanksville.

The town has applied through Utah’s Second Congressional District for the fiscal year 2025 Community Project Funding for the purchase of water utility infrastructure for a water storage tank. Brennen Rees is helping with that grant and Brock Jackson with R6 is helping with the property required for this tank through SITLA.

Clerk Lisa Wells: 

  • Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)

  • Motion to approve bills for payment – C. Morgan Roberts; Second C. Robert Gilner.  Aye: All in attendance.

  • Presented council with tentative budget for approval and to be ready for the public hearing on the budget in June. An amended budget for FY 2024 is not needed.

Planning Commission

Discussion of the process for building permits, it was decided that for an electrical service only building permit, that Garkane requires before they will make changes or install a new power connection, the clerk’s office could approve that without going to the planning commission.  Scott Livingston asked if he needs an additional building permit to add on a porch to his house that he is building.  He will be on the agenda for the next P&Z meeting to see if this would be required.  Chylene brought up that he has multiple RV’s connected to the sewer.  

The planning commission has been discussing accessory dwelling units (ADU) such as a mother-in-law house on property.   AUD’s can be external or internal, meaning attached to the primary residence.  They are considering what to put in the ordinance. They must meet setbacks and a range of 400sf minimum up to 1200sf maximum for the additional dwelling. The internal ADU should have a separate entrance and be for long-term rental.  They have discussed this option for employee housing and how many AUD’s should be allowed on one piece of property.

Dennis Ekker was on the agenda at the last P&Z meeting; his original plan had several lots that were landlocked so he changed his plan and has a road ending in a cul-de-sac that would allow access to each lot he proposes but he is going to ask for a variance on the road width.  He will be requesting to be allowed a 33’ road instead of a 66’ road as the new subdivision ordinance states.

Tabled Business: 


New Business  

Andy Alexander – His property is zoned residential mixed use (RMU), and he would like to request a variance from RMU and issue conditional use that would allow him to operate his towing business from this yard.  He would like to have a state certified impound yard that would allow him to be a holding place for wrecked vehicles. This would entail putting up a 6’ chain link fence with 3 strand security wire on the top and must be lighted.  He is willing to put slats on the fence if the council requires that but would rather not due to security issues.  Typically, a wrecked vehicle would be in the impound yard for an average of 7 to 10 days.  He does not intend to operate as a salvage yard or a vehicle repair shop.  He does off-road 4x4 recovery and towing services.

The council discussed his request and asked him to have his impound fence back off the property line by 3’ or 4’ and didn’t think slats are necessary. The council will review this conditional use in a year to determine if Mr. Alexander will be allowed to continue with this conditional use.

Motion to allow a conditional use that differs from RMU for Andy Alexander to operate his towing company out of his property: C. Morgan Roberts; Second C. Robert Gilner.  Aye: All in attendance.

New sewer connection request by David and Melissa Weber at 25 E 100 N, they already have a water connection but are requesting sewer service. They have submitted their application and paid the connection fee.

Motion to allow a new sewer service connection for David and Melissa Weber; C. Morgan Roberts; Second C. Robert Gilner. Aye: All in attendance.

Sara Bradbury – Triple R Management subdivision water options – Sara outlined the process they have gone through regarding their subdivision with Wayne County and accessing water through Hanksville Town. They thought they had approval to install a 6” water line and purchased the product but Hanksville stopped the job due to information received from John Chartier, Division of Environmental Quality, to see if a boost pump would be required.  They are now collaborating with an engineer and found there is not enough pressure to climb in elevation to meet the water needs of the subdivision.  They have a couple of options:  a boost pump or a smaller pump with a storage tank; both options are expensive. Triple R is aware that Hanksville Town has just applied for funding for a 500,000-gal tank to increase the storage capacity of the town water system.  They are willing to trade property to Hanksville to put a storage tank on and would like to work as a team with Hanksville in getting water to their subdivision.

The council would like to work with Triple R and asked Sara to bring the engineered plans for town approval of how they plan to get water to their subdivision.

Public Comment:

Chylene Whipple – Hanksville EMS will be hosting EMS Awareness week on May 15th at 6pm under the pavilion at the community center.  She also has concerns about temporary housing that has turned into permanent housing in town. She asked the council what happened to raising the rent at the town housing as was discussed last year. The clerk will put that on the agenda.

Kathryn Roberts – She has talked with many photographer groups, dirt bikers, and Instagrammers and they have conflict of the use of the land.  With the increase in tourism and the demand on town infrastructure she would like to hold the state of Utah accountable for their part in this.  The Utah Department of Tourism has marketed this area heavily and she would like the council to consider inviting Phil Lyman, Representative  - Utah State Legislator District 69, to attend a council meeting and outline the pain points of serving the influx of tourists such as – EMS services, additional infrastructure of water and other demands.  Through this process find avenues for help from the State of Utah. Alex Cabrero with KSL has talked about our area as well as other news outlets.

MOTION TO ADJOURN:  C. Morgan Roberts; Second C. Robert Gilner.  Aye: All in attendance - meeting adjourned at 8:00pm   



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