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March 6, 2025 - Hanksville Town Council

Town Clerk

The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session in conjunction with a public hearing for the ordinances on the 6th day of March 2025 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00pm.

Present: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei, C. Robert Gilner, C. Morgan Stephens and C. Eric Wells 

Absent: C. Mona Wells 

Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells and Treasurer Jessica Alvey

Public in Attendance:  Sue Fivecoat, Dan Thatcher, Brock Jackson - R6, Blake Kirkpatrick, Blaze Ochsembein, Shandee Weihing, Cole Pei, Doug Roberts, Duke Alvey, and Slate Banner

Meeting to Order: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Pledge: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Prayer: Lisa Wells

Roll Call: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Motion to approve minutes from the February council meeting: C. Eric Wells; Second C. Morgan Stephens Aye: All in attendance.

Report of Officers:

Council member Mona Wells:


Council member Morgan Stephens:

 C. Morgan Stephens would like to look at all the contracts associated with the affordable housing units and have each tenant sign a new lease agreement. Apt #2 was 6 days late paying rent - this tenant has continually been given eviction notices.

Council member Eric Wells:

The primary sewer pond has been completed and Brown Brothers is working on the second pond.  At the Rural Water conference Eric focused on getting information regarding the cross connection - back-flow protection program.

Council member Robert Gilner:

Nothing to report.

Mayor Jeffren T. Pei:

Advised council to look into HB 454 - there may be changes to fees for emergency services for municipalities.  The mayor expects the gun range to be complete by the 2nd week in April.

Treasurer Jessica Alvey:

Nothing to report.

Clerk Lisa Wells:

  • Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)

  • Motion to approve bills: C. Robert Gilner; Second C. Morgan Stephens. Aye: All in attendance.

  • Cache Valley Bank - authorization to sign for ACH transations to submit payroll by ACH.  

Motion to appoint Mayor Jeffren T. Pei as the signer to authorize Cache Valley Bank to allow ACH transactions: C. Morgan Stephens; Second Robert Gilner.  Aye: All in attendance.

Planning Commission:

Dan Thatcher - The next planning commission meeting will be March 11th.  They will be reviewing notes from R6 Mini Summit regarding land use and they will begin the process of updating the subdivision ordinance.

Slate Banner submitted an application to the town council and desires to serve on the planning commission.

Motion to appoint Slate Banner to the planning commission:  C. Robert Gilner; Second C. Morgan Stephens. Aye: All in attendance.

Tabled Business:

Zoning and Land Use Ordinance Document - The council voted on the Zoning and Land Use Ordinace document a title at a time. The voting was in the affirmative on each section.

Motion to accept the Zoning and Land Use Ordinance Document as now updated with all the changes the council has recommended: C. Eric Wells; Second C. Morgan Stephens. Aye: All in attendance.

New Business:

Brock Jackson - R6 Annual Report - Gave overview of all services provided by R6, community advisors and their role, economic development and grant assistance, budget & finances of R6 and county contributions.  Reminded the council of grants that are available to municipalities/  CIB capital project needs to be put on the list and is prioritized by county.  The annual Regional Growth Summit will be May 6th, all interested in attending will need to sign up.

2 Business license applications were received and approved by the town council. The daycare applicant has met all the requirements by the State of Utah and has been inspected by the fire department.  The second applicant is a food truck that will be stationed at local businesses.  They will be serving breakfast from 7am until 11am.

Motion to approve the application from Shandee Weihing for Desert Blossoms Daycare: C. Eric Wells; Second C. Robert Gilner. Aye: All in attendance.

Motion to approve the application from Blake Kirkpatrick for The Wild Brunch: C. Eric Wells; Second C. Robert Gilner. Aye: All in attendance.

Public Comment:

Blake Kirkpatrick - Thanks to the town for welcoming his business into the community, he is open to cross advertising for area businesses if anyone is interested. He resides near Giles just out of Hanksville.

Motion to adjourn: C. Eric Wells; Second C. Robert Gilner. Aye: All in attendance. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm

Town Office:
PO Box 127
30 South Hwy. 95
Hanksville, UT 84734


Tue - Thur 10am - 2pm

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