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March 2 2023 - Hanksville Town Council

Town Clerk

The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the 2nd day of March, 2023 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m. 

Present:  Mayor Jeffren Pei, C. Morgan Roberts and C. Mona Wells 

Absent:  Treasurer Jessica Alvey, C. Eric Wells (attending the Rural Water Conference) and C. Tanesha Conder

Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells

Public in Attendance:  Sara Bradbury, Doug & Katie Roberts

Meeting to Order: Mayor Jeffren Pei

Pledge: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Prayer: Mayor Jeffren t. Pei

Roll Call:  Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Motion to approve minutes of previous council meeting:  C. Mona Wells; Second C. Morgan Roberts   Aye:  All in attendance

Council member Mona Wells:

Nothing to report

Council member Tanesha Conder: 


Council member Morgan Roberts: 

Needs to meet with Eric in maintenance and make a plan for items that need to be fixed. He can delegate to Anthony items that he can fix.  The fire house inside has been painted along with unit #6 at the housing.  C. Roberts has begun to make plans for the 4th of July and is getting feedback from the town about events.  The D.U.P. ladies would like to a Bingo lunch on the 4th. 

Council member Eric Wells: 


Mayor Jeffren Pei:

 The mayor and C. Eric Wells along with the clerk met with Jones & DeMille about the sewer lagoon repairs and that project is moving forward and hopefully ready to bid by the end of April.  Carl Hung might be willing to allow the contractor to stage equipment on his property; C. Morgan Roberts also said they could stage equipment on her property if that is more suitable.  

UDOT has been working with the town on moving the water lines that have been disrupted due to the work on Bull Creek crossing on Highway 24.  The town is willing to donate spare valves and fittings for the project and Curtis will make a deal with UDOT to provide the labor.

Tyler Moore has a contact to repair the generator at the Navajo well.

Ensign Engineering has not reached out regarding the leftover grant money that wasn’t spend on the roads project; how can that money be used and when is the deadline that it needs to be spent.

Mayor has an application for repairs on the gun range that is ready to submit.

There is a possibility of money available through the Wayne County Special Service District.

Treasurer Jessica Alvey:  ABSENT

Clerk Lisa Wells: 

  • Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)

  • Motion to approve bills for payment C. Morgan Roberts; Second C. Mona Wells Aye: All in attendance.

  • Informed council of Six County Annual meeting with the town.  Any project that the council would like funded by CIB needs to be on the list.  All council members are encouraged to attend this meeting as well as representative from planning commission. 

  • The planning commission would like a lawyer to review the new zoning ordinances.  

  • Council discussed ordering more flyers

Planning Commission

Katie Roberts shared with the council that Jessica Alvey sent a letter to the planning commission regarding lot sizes and is requesting the commission consider ¼ acre lot size minimum verses a ½ acre to facilitate cheaper lot for future sells that would help accommodate the working families that need to live here and work here.  The commission discussed at their meeting in keeping aligned with the opinion of most people they are leaning towards ½ acre lot size minimum.  C. Morgan Roberts likes that ½ acre lot a suggested maybe ¼ acre lot minimum in the 4 square block or main street and center and then ½ acre lots beyond that.  C. Mona Wells said you can’t dictate pricing and what a lot will sell for.  The mayor would like the commission to map out the potential growth in the town and see how much property the lot size will affect.  Mayor said it would benefit the town through smaller lot sizes as there would be more connections of sewer and water.  Sara Bradbury said set a ½ acre lot size now with the possibility of changing the zoning to ¼ acre lot at a later date.

Tabled Business: NONE

New Business and Public Comment

Building permit was presented to the council from Eric and Patricia Fairbanks for approval from the council.  Mayor discussed with the planning commission that going forward he would like building permits to be presented to the planning commission for review; making sure they meet the zoning requirements and the president of the planning commission can sign the building permit.  The mayor can sign a building permit if the planning commission is not available. then to the council for approval.  

The building permit for Eric and Patricia Fairbanks was approved and signed by Katie Roberts, the planning commission president.

It is possible for Hanksville to issue the building permits if the council would like to pursue; there is a process the town would have to go through to get set up to handle all building permits in the town boundary.


MOTION TO ADJOURN:  C. Mona Wells; Second C. Morgan Roberts Aye:  All in attendance   Adjourned 6:45pm        


Town Office:
PO Box 127
30 South Hwy. 95
Hanksville, UT 84734


Tue - Thur 10am - 2pm

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