The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the 1ST day of June 2023 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:08 p.m.
Present: Mayor Jeffren Pei, C. Morgan Roberts, C. Mona Wells, and C. Tanesha Conder and
Absent: C. Eric Wells and Treasurer Jessica Alvey
Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells
Public in Attendance: Curtis and Chylene Whipple, Sara Bradbury, Brock Jackson – Six County Regional Planner
Meeting to Order: Council member Mona Wells
Pledge: Council member Mona Wells
Prayer: C. Morgan Roberts
Roll Call: Mayor Jeffren Pei
Motion to approve minutes of previous council meeting: C. Mona Wells; Second C. Morgan Roberts Aye: All in attendance.
Mayor Jeffren T. Pei opened the public hearing portion regarding the amended FY 2023 budget as well as the FY 2024 budget. There were no comments from any of the citizens attending.
Motion to approve the amended 2023 FY budget and adopt the 2024 FY budget: C. Morgan Roberts; Second C. Mona Wells. Aye: All in favor
Council member Mona Wells:
Nothing to report.
Council member Tanesha Conder:
The TreeUtah tree planting was a success and about 15 trees were planted. They said they would be willing to plant more next year. C. Conder is going to follow up with Adus Dorsey about applying for the Wayne Special Service District grant for the park. Nothing new regarding the chutes for the arena.
Council member Morgan Roberts:
Met with maintenance and discussed building needs: Gutter and handrail, working on AC, hire out to fix the gutters, clinic steps need to hire that out, awning at the back of maintenance, pressure washer (is at a repair shop now getting fixed), the lights were fixed at the firehouse.
Grant is needed to build bathrooms at the Old Church.
4th of July committee will meet next Tuesday to finalize plans, but this is still on the agenda so far.
Saturday, July 1st – Gymkhana
Sunday, July 2nd – Potluck Dinner
Monday, July 3rd – movie at the park
Tuesday, July 4th – parade, horseshoes, Bingo lunch by D.U.P. and kids’ games, dance, and Fireworks. Documentation if needed by each volunteer, as C. Roberts learned at the Six County Summit in May.
Tyson Hunt paid $1000 towards his past due rent.
Council member Eric Wells:
Mayor Jeffren Pei:
The AC units have been installed at the town housing. Mayor is looking at a drain box to fix the drainage issue at the firehouse to use the leftover funds from the Roads grant because it was originally in the scope of work. The sewer project is at the State now for approval and then should be ready to go out to bid.
Treasurer Jessica Alvey: ABSENT
Clerk Lisa Wells:
Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)
Motion to approve bills for payment C. Mona Wells; Second C. Morgan Roberts Aye: All in attendance.
Express Bill Pay – Program to accept credit/debit cards that easily supported by Pelorus – processing fee involved and an upfront cost of $1500. The council agreed that if clerk can figure out how to charge the customer for the processing fee, they could approve this.
Planning Commission: The planning commission is holding their next meeting on Tuesday, June 6th from 8am to 10am. They would like all the council members to attend. Brock Jackson – with Six County AOG said he would attend.
Tabled Business: NONE
New Business and Public Comment:
Brock Jackson – a regional planner for Six County AOG – The funds for a professional admin assistant has been approved to help small towns. Items that Six County can help with are:
Annexation policy
Land Use Ordinance
General Plan
Budget Assistance
Grant Writing
Procurement RFP
B&C Road funds
CDBG funds
Investment policy
Short-Stay rental tax
The emphasis for the planning commission is to get the code up to date.
Business license fee structure and amount – Council agreed that the business license fee should be the same for all businesses regardless of the type of business. Beer/liquor license fee will remain the same.
Motion to change the business license fee structure to $75 for any business: C. Morgan Roberts; Second C. Mona Wells. Aye: C. Morgan Roberts and C. Mona Wells; Nay: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei; (C. Tanesha Conder left the council meeting early to go back to work so was not present when this motion was presented)
Curtis Whipple – Would like the council to consider making an incentive for people to move here such as lowering the monthly water/sewer charge, no impact fees or connection fee.
Mayor Pei is considering a Garkane Feasibility Study to charge them for the Right-Of-Way usage of town rights-of-way.
MOTION TO ADJOURN: C. Mona Wells; Second C. Morgan Roberts Aye: All in attendance Adjourned 7:36pm