The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session in conjunction with a public hearing for the ordinances on the 12th day of December 2024 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00pm.
Present: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei, C. Robert Gilner, and C. Morgan Stephens
Absent: C. Mona Wells and C. Eric Wells
Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells and Treasurer Jessica Alvey
Public in Attendance: Planning Commission members: Kathryn Roberts, Ashton Brian Public- Cathy Rosenbaum, Dennis Ekker, Doug Roberts, Slate Banner, Deanna Mecham, Margaret Re, Brennen Ellet - Wayne County Sheriff’s Office, Brock Jackson - R6
Meeting to Order: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei
Pledge: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei
Prayer: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei
Roll Call: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei
Motion to change the order of the agenda and move new business before report of officers: C. Morgan Stephens; Second C. Robert Gilner Aye: All in attendance.
Motion to approve minutes from the November council meeting and public hearing: C. Morgan Stephens; Second C. Robert Gilner Aye: All in attendance.
Report of Officers:
Council member Mona Wells:
ABSENT C. Robert Gilner will give an estimate to C. Mona Wells for the cost to finish the pavilion at the Cemetery.
Council member Morgan Stephens:
A survey has been distributed to all tenets at the Affordable Housing to gather input for improvements.
Council member Eric Wells:
Council member Robert Gilner:
Nothing to report.
Mayor Jeffren T. Pei:
The sidewalk project, Safe Route to Schools grant should be ready to go by July 2025. The 1991 pump house roof blew off and the mayor is having Jordan Weihing fix it.
Clerk Lisa Wells:
Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)
Motion to approve bills for payment except Tyson Hunt bill for firetruck and batteries for firetruck charges at the Silver Eagle: C. Morgan Stephens; Second C. Robert Gilner. Aye: All in attendance.
Council meeting moved to January 9, 2025 due to New Years Day.
Treasurer Jessica Alvey:
Nothing to report.
Planning Commission:
The Dennis Ekker subdivision has two lots that are landlocked so there has to be a cul de sac. He is in the process of getting approval from the BLM to get a right-of-way so he can put in a through street. The P&Z voted to approve his application with the stipulation that if he gets the through street then the road will be 55’ wide.
Motion to approve a through street in the Dennis Ekker subdivision but if not approved then to allow a 55’ road C. Robert Gilner; Second C. Morgan Stephens Aye: All in attendance.
The planning commission encouraged the counto to write a letter of support to the Mr. Mike Utley at the BLM.
Ashton Brian would like the ordinances on the agenda for the January 2025 council meeting.
Tabled Business:
New Business:
Brock Jackson - presented information of upcoming events.
Regional Growth Summit Mini training on February 27, 2025 - this will be Land Use Focused.
Performance Bond Training on January 30th from the Property Rights Ombudsman office.
Utah Outdoor Recreation Grants opens January 13th - this could help with park projects like play ground equipment or a splash pad
Hazard Mitigation Plan Survey - Give input through the survey - municipalities can adopt this mitigation plan to be in compliance.
Slate Banner - discussed the turnaround at the end of 80 south - this property was surveyed back in 1988 and it is a very large turn around - he proposes that this turn-around be resized to 100’ space.
Motion to approve a smaller turn-around space at the end of 80 South to 100’ or what the new ordinance will impose C. Robert Gilner; Second C. Morgan Stephens Aye: All in attendance.
Deputy Brennen Ellet - Wayne County Sheriff’s Office - requesting office space in the Hanksville Community center to allow WCSO to do paperwork in Hanksville. This space would help facility any WCSO deputy with the breathalyer, search and rescue crew or Utah Highway Patrol officers if needed.
Motion to approve Wayne County Sheriff Office an office at the Hanksville Community Center to conduct business as needed C. Morgan Stephens; Second C. Robert Gilner Aye: All in attendance.
Jessica Alvey - Red Desert- Requests approval from the council regarding several different property splits. Each property presented will be divided once and each lot will be bigger than ¼ acre. She will then apply to Wayne County for a separate parcel # for each lot.
Motion to approve Red Desert to split several different parcels of property that they own - each parcel will only be split once C. Robert Gilner; Second C. Morgan Stephens Aye: All in attendance.
Public Comment:
Margaret Re - Hanksville Canal Company President - Informed the council that the contract for the Hanksville Diversion Dam project has been signed and the contractor will do preliminary work starting in January 2025 and will begin in earnest May or June 2025 with a projected completion date of Summer 2029. There will be no work on the dam during monsoon season.
Motion to adjourn: C. Robert Gilner; Second C. Morgan Stephens. Aye: All in attendance. Meeting adjourned at 7:02pm