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December 1 2022 - Hanksville Town Council

Town Clerk

The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the 1st day of December, 2022 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m. 

Present:  Mayor Jeffren Pei, C. Mona Wells, and C. Tanesha Conder 

Absent:  Treasurer Jessica Alvey, C. Eric Wells and C. Morgan Roberts

Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells

Public in Attendance:  Sara Bradbury, Chylene & Curtis Whipple, Doug & Katy Roberts, Dan Cahoon and Adam Cahoon

Meeting to Order: Mayor Jeffren Pei

Pledge: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Prayer: C. Tanesha Conder

Roll Call:  Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Motion to approve minutes of previous council meeting:  C. Mona Wells; Second C. Tanesha Conder   Aye:  All in attendance

Council member Mona Wells:

Nothing to report – The back door of the old church is not locking and needs a new back set.

Council member Tanesha Conder: 

Nothing to report – C. Conder brought to the council a request from a tenant at the affordable housing regarding installing a hot tub.  The council discussed it and had concerns of safety for small children, it would need to be fenced with a locked gate and also the increase of electricity to heat it.  

Council member Morgan Roberts: 

ABSENT – Council agreed that the apartments need to be inspected on the inside to assess damage and safety.  

Council member Eric Wells: 

ABSENT – He is in charge of the annual Christmas Tree lighting at the old church which will be Monday, December 5.  He will pick up donuts and flyers have been posted.

Mayor Jeffren Pei:

 The sewer lagoon project is moving forward; mayor met with Jones & DeMille and the project should be ready to bid in April.  FEMA is a possibility of additional funding but that is still to be approved.  

The roads project is complete.  The mayor is still interested in sidewalks and street lights along highway 24 through town; starting at the store and working a section at a time east on highway 24.  He will continue to petition UDOT for curb and gutter along this route.

Treasurer Jessica Alvey:  ABSENT

Clerk Lisa Wells: 

  • Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)

  • Motion to approve bills for payment C. Tanesha Conder; Second C. Mona Wells Aye: All in attendance.

  • Budgets will be reviewed next council meeting.

  • Reported on meeting with Wayne County Commissioners, Wayne Co Mayors, Six County, and elected State representatives. 

Planning Commission

The next planning commission meeting is Tuesday, December 13th.  They will continue to review business licensing, public events, taxes, and short-term rental properties for the Hanksville ordinances.  Erica from the Insider newspapers doesn’t see a Hanksville presence in the paper and would like to post the town minutes.  Katy Roberts suggested to run an ad in the paper that had all the businesses.

Tabled Business: NONE

New Business and Public Comment

Chylene Whipple would like the lines painted on the town streets.  

She is working with a representative of Safe Routes to school for children at Six County AOG regarding the concern of children crossing highway 24 to get to school.

Doug Roberts presented his plant to bring his tiny house in from Blue Valley and also to build a garage.  The buildings won’t be attached to each other and he will make it look professional.  Mayor Pei reviewed his drawing to make sure he is in compliance and signed Mr. Roberts building permit.  Doug will now proceed to go to Wayne County for a building permit.  He will be applying for a sewer and water connection.


MOTION TO ADJOURN:  C. Tanesha Conder; Second C. Mona Wells Aye:  All in attendance   Adjourned 7:00pm        

Town Office:
PO Box 127
30 South Hwy. 95
Hanksville, UT 84734


Tue - Thur 10am - 2pm

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