The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the 4TH day of August, 2022 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Jeffren Pei, C. Mona Wells, C. Tanesha Conder, and C. Morgan Roberts
Absent: Treasurer Jessica Alvey and C. Eric Wells
Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells
Public in Attendance: Sara Bradbury, Katy Roberts and Jan Hunt
Meeting to Order: Mayor Jeffren Pei
Pledge: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei
Prayer: Lisa Wells
Roll Call: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei
Motion to approve minutes of previous council meeting: C. Mona Wells; Second C. Morgan Roberts Aye: All in attendance
Public Comment on adoption of 2011 Wayne County Zoning Ordinance – A Land Use Ordinance - NONE
Council member Mona Wells:
Nothing to report
Council member Tanesha Conder:
Nothing to report
Council member Morgan Stephens:
Nothing to report
Council member Eric Wells: ABSENT
There will be a meeting with Division of Water and Jones & DeMille Engineering regarding the funding for the sewer repairs. The project cost is still $2.1 million, and hopefully we can use that as our in-kind fee. It’s crucial that we get approved for this grant because we can use that for our repairs to the wastewater facility then the mayor is hoping to use the $1.3million that Wayne County received for repairs from the flood damage of 9/1/2021. That money will be used to repair the dyke on Bull Creek south of town, repairing the bridge there as well and also cleaning out Bull Creek all the way down to the Fremont River. Also repairs to the sewer ponds levies and Locust Lane where the river is undercutting that road. NRCS is saying that they should get approval in October for the planning grant money they are requesting to outline the repairs and upgrades needed to prevent further flooding. In order to obtain the $1.3 million Hanksville needs matching of funds is $400,000. This matching fund will include any money spent to make repairs from the flood including rock that the County will donate after the NRCS gets approval for the planning grant.
Mayor Jeffren Pei:
Any town building repairs that are needed will go through C. Morgan Roberts and the mayor. C. Roberts will prioritize the list of repairs.
Mayor has made some changes to the maintenance department: Eric Wells is directly responsible for water and sewer. Anthony is directly responsible for park, town facility grounds, and roads. Both Eric and Anthony will report directly to the mayor every Monday. Mayor Pei is asking to council to consider implementing 5 days of paid-time-off.
Treasurer Jessica Alvey: ABSENT
Clerk Lisa Wells:
· Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)
· Motion to approve bills for payment C. Morgan Roberts; Second C. Mona Wells Aye: All in attendance.
· Meals-on-Wheels – Jean Morrell reached out to the clerk’s office if there is an interest for meals-on-wheels. She doesn’t have the ability to deliver to Hanksville so someone would have to volunteer to drive to Bicknell. Jan Hunt said the Hanksville Elementary has provided senior citizens meals for a fee and then only a volunteer to deliver locally, which is a much better option for Hanksville.
· Kimball and Roberts Accounting will be auditing Hanksville Town on August 16, 2022
· Council meeting change for 9/1/2022 moved to 9/8/2022
Planning Commission: Reminder of the public hearing for citizen input on the completed draft of Hanksville Town General Plan.
Tabled Business: NONE
New Business and Public Comment:
Adoption of 2011 Wayne County Zoning Ordinance – council discussed options and the effect of adopting this ordinance. If the 2011 ordinance was adopted the mayor would require a recommendation from the planning committee bi-monthly of items to be revised and have a completed zoning ordinance by the end of 2022. The council agreed to table the issue of adopting the ordinance and each council person is responsible to research other incorporated towns in Wayne County as well as Moab’s P&Z ordinances to compare and see if looking at an ordinance that is smaller in scale than the Wayne County P&Z ordinance.
MOTION TO ADJOURN: C. Mona Wells; Second C. Tanesha Conder Aye: All in attendance Adjourned 6:50pm