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Zu Ihrer Bequemlichkeit bieten wir diese offiziellen Dokumente zum Herunterladen an, die sich auf die Stadt Hanksville beziehen. Enthalten sind Geschäftslizenzen, Baugenehmigungen, Flächennutzungspläne und mehr. Suchen Sie einfach das gewünschte Dokument, klicken Sie darauf, um es herunterzuladen, und drucken Sie es nach Belieben aus. Ob Sie Geschäftsinhaber oder Einwohner sind, diese Dokumente helfen Ihnen, über die neuesten Nachrichten der Stadt auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben. Profitieren Sie noch heute von dieser hilfreichen Ressource!
Zoning and Land Use Ordinance of Hanksville, UtahAs a convenience to our residents and visitors, we have provided the Hanksville Town Ordinances online. Click the button below to view the ordinances on our website. If you prefer to access the official version, a downloadable PDF is also available here for your use.
Hanksville Town General PlanTo access the comprehensive Hanksville Town General Plan, simply click on the "Download" button provided on the website. This plan serves as a foundational document outlining the strategic vision and development framework for the town's future growth and sustainability.
Agenda Request FormClick the "Fill Form" button below to submit a request to be added to the town council agenda.
Business License ApplicationClick the document below to download an application. The Business License Application must be completed and returned to the town clerk with the required application fee. Businesses operating within the Hanksville City limits are required to have a business license. Businesses should contact the town clerk if they have any questions regarding the Business License Application or the licensing process.
Business Logo RequestLocal businesses may use this form to submit their logo to be reviewed for inclusion on the town website.
Subdivision ApplicationClick the "Download" button to download an application. The Subdivision Application must be completed and returned to the town clerk with the required application fee. Contact the town clerk if you have any questions regarding the Subdivision Application.
Existing Water or Sewer RequestClick the document below to download the existing water or sewer request form. This form must be filled out and submitted to the town clerk, accompanied by the applicable fee, prior to any adjustments or modifications to existing water or sewer services. Once the form is complete, please submit it to the town clerk.
New Water RequestClick the file below to download an application. The form must be completed and submitted to the town clerk, along with the required fee, before water service can be initiated. In addition to the standard information required on most applications, this form also requests information about the property where the new hookup will be installed. This includes the lot number, street address, and a description of the property. Once the form is complete, please submit it to the city office at your earliest convenience.
New Sewer RequestClick the document below to download an application. The sewer hookup application is required for all new sewer hookups in Hanksville Utah. The application must be filled out and submitted to the Hanksville town clerk prior to the start of any work on the sewer system. Once the application is received, a site inspection will be conducted to determine if the proposed sewer hookup meets all of the requirements of the Hanksville Municipal Code. If you have any questions about the sewer hookup application or the permitting process, please contact the Hanksville town clerk.
Bulk Water RequestClick the document below to download an application. This application must be completed and submitted to the town clerk in order to request a meter to purchase bulk water. The clerk's office is responsible for processing and approving all bulk water applications. If you have any questions about the bulk water application process, please contact the town clerk.
Public Record Request FormClick the "Fill Form" button below to submit a records request to the Hanksville town clerk.
Town Building Rental FormClick the "Learn More" button below to get more information on Hanksville town building rentals and to submit an online rental request.
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